AI for Economic Opportunity
Catalyzing transformative economic opportunities through advanced AI technologies.
Building on the success of our inaugural year, the GitLab Foundation is thrilled to announce the continuation and expansion of the AI for Economic Opportunity Fund with a second round of funding focused on demonstration and scaling.
This initiative represents a partnership between the GitLab Foundation, Ballmer Group, and OpenAI, demonstrating our collective commitment to leveraging emerging AI technologies to create economic opportunity and drive income growth.
Our Commitment
In this second year, the AI for Economic Opportunity Demonstration and Scaling Fund has evolved into a two-phase initiative:
In the first phase, the GitLab Foundation will grant a minimum of $3.5 million to up to 14 demonstration projects. These projects will be focused on developing and deploying prototype tools, gathering user feedback and building evidence of outcomes.
In the second phase, Ballmer Group will provide funding to scale high-potential projects, awarding either 1-year or 2-year grants ranging from $500K to $1.5M per year to a maximum of six selected grantees from the demonstration phase.
OpenAI will continue to provide both financial and technical support to grantees, including additional funding, access to early product releases, credits, and technical advice.
Additional funders are encouraged to participate in helping source, review and support these high potential projects. We expect total awards over the lifecycle of this funding round to exceed $10 million.
Meet the second AI for Economic Opportunity Fund grantee cohort.
Meet the inaugural AI for Economic Opportunity Fund grantee cohort.
2024 Advisory Board
Ballmer Group
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Jobs for the Future
Social Safety Net Product Studio
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Open AI
GitLab Foundation
Responsible Innovation Labs
Emerson Collective
Jobs for the Future
GitLab, Inc.
Open AI
Axim Collaborative
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
August 2024: Open RFP announcement
October 16, 2024: Concept note submissions due
October 25, 2024: Finalists notified to submit a full application
November 26, 2024: Full applications due
December 16, 2024: Awardees notified and contracting begins
January 2025: Contracts completed
February - July 2025: Grantee cohort meetings
June: Selection process for Ballmer Group scaling funding begins