114x ROI
This project is estimated to increase annual earnings by $28,122 per person, for a total additional lifetime earnings of $816,322 per person
Total lifetime earnings increase across all participants: $173,876,548
$325,000 invested
The Challenge
Jobs that require a computing degree are amongst the US’s top source of new wages and an effective path to economic mobility. Yet Black, Latino/a, Indigenous, and low-income college computing students are the most underrepresented in the field and have faced the most systemic barriers in education and the workforce. While more underrepresented students are choosing computing majors than ever before, our education system is failing to prepare them for tech careers.
Our Grant
CodePath delivers industry-vetted courses and career support centered on the needs of Black, Latino/a, Indigenous, and low-income students. Their students train with senior engineers, intern at top companies, and rise together to become the tech leaders of tomorrow.
We’re delighted to partner with CodePath to support 500-600 computing students by offering Computer Science courses in new demonstration schools as well as legacy universities across the United States during School Year 2023-2024. CodePath will upgrade and expand its Technical Interview Prep courses, which correlate to high levels of internship and technical job attainment, ensuring students access high-wage career trajectories.