Per Scholas
128x ROI
This project is estimated to increase annual earnings by $11,200 per person, for a total additional lifetime earnings of $283,385 per person
Total lifetime earnings increase across all participants: $336,944,533
$500,000 invested
The Challenge
Across the US, thousands of working people—disproportionately Black, Latinx, and women—are stuck in low-paying, low-skilled jobs. From the digital divide to racial wage gaps to the impact the pandemic has had on women in particular, significant challenges remain in order to achieve an equitable and inclusive workforce. For individuals receiving public assistance, the challenges can seem insurmountable. Though public assistance can enable adults to seek education and training opportunities, without access to high-quality training opportunities and the time to access them, recipients of benefits often find themselves trapped in jobs with little opportunity for advancement or growth. As a high-quality job training program with proven outcomes, Per Scholas can serve as a means for public benefits recipients to build job-ready skills in a high-demand sector and launch careers with strong opportunities for advancement.
Our Grant
Our investment will increase enrollment in Per Scholas’ training from people receiving public benefits. Our grant will enable Per Scholas to pursue technological solutions that not only increase enrollment from individuals receiving public benefits, but that will also screen and support eligible learners to apply for public assistance. The project anticipates screening more than 10,000 learners over three years, with at least 30% of Per Scholas learners receiving at least one public support. This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about how government assistance can help make job training programs more effective.